
Date and TimeTitle
Dec 13, 2023
8:00am - 8:05am (Central)
Opening Introductions
Dec 13, 2023
8:00am - 9:10am (Central)
Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice!

Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice! Visit Sponsor Booths - find amazing people, information, and prizes! Get updated on the latest technologies!

Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card! Your Choice! All you have to do is have a great conversations with our sponsors and you are automatically entered to win! Drawing winners live!

Dec 13, 2023
9:10am - 9:30am (Central)
Cloudflare | Moving Towards a Zero Trust Mindset
Dec 13, 2023
9:30am - 9:54am (Central)
Rezonate | Identity-Centric Security in the Age of Cloud/SaaS
Dec 13, 2023
9:53am - 10:30am (Central)
Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice!

Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice! Visit Sponsor Booths - find amazing people, information, and prizes! Get updated on the latest technologies!

Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card! Your Choice! All you have to do is have a great conversations with our sponsors and you are automatically entered to win! Drawing winners live!

Dec 13, 2023
10:30am - 11:00am (Central)
Vorlon | Three's company, Four is a crowd

This is an interactive session and aggregate case study on several of the most recent publicly announced breaches. Amir Khayat, co-founder and CEO of Vorlon, will take us through the similarities of the challenges each of these organizations faced. You will leave with a clear list of questions you can pose to your SecOps, IR, and GRC teams to assess your Enterprise’s readiness to proactively and reactively address third- and fourth-party risks to your organization.

Dec 13, 2023
11:00am - 11:30am (Central)
D3 Security | Automation in Security Operations – Matching the speed of the attacker

Leveraging the speed of artificial intelligence and automation to mitigate risk at machine speeds

Dec 13, 2023
11:30am - 12:00pm (Central)
Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice!

Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice! Visit Sponsor Booths - find amazing people, information, and prizes! Get updated on the latest technologies!

Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card! Your Choice! All you have to do is have a great conversations with our sponsors and you are automatically entered to win! Drawing winners live!

Dec 13, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm (Central)
Keynote | Hacking Your Brain For Better Cybersecurity

The first step in your journey towards becoming secure is believing that you can be successful. Many of us are conditioned to believe we need to be cynical in order to be secure. In George’s award-winning book, Well Aware, he demonstrates that the opposite is true…we can hack our own brain’s “habit loop” to make being more secure easy. George will provide a roadmap on how to use the science behind habits that can help make security possible for anyone.

Attendees will be able to:

  • Identify their own top internal and external cybersecurity strengths
  • Understand how habits play a role in helping us become more secure
Dec 13, 2023
1:00pm - 1:35pm (Central)
Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice!

Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice! Visit Sponsor Booths - find amazing people, information, and prizes! Get updated on the latest technologies!

Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card! Your Choice! All you have to do is have a great conversations with our sponsors and you are automatically entered to win! Drawing winners live!

Dec 13, 2023
1:35pm - 2:10pm (Central)
Nudge | Full of SaaS and TOTALLY SECURE!!!
Dec 13, 2023
2:05pm - 2:30pm (Central)
Seemplicity | The Secret Sauce Behind Great Devsecops
Dec 13, 2023
2:25pm - 2:45pm (Central)
Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice!

Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice! Visit Sponsor Booths - find amazing people, information, and prizes! Get updated on the latest technologies!

Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card! Your Choice! All you have to do is have a great conversations with our sponsors and you are automatically entered to win! Drawing winners live!

Dec 13, 2023
2:45pm - 3:13pm (Central)
Uptycs | How (and Why) to Think like a Threat Actor in the Cloud
Dec 13, 2023
3:13pm - 3:30pm (Central)
Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice!

Sponsor Networking Time | Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card of your choice! Visit Sponsor Booths - find amazing people, information, and prizes! Get updated on the latest technologies!

Chat with our sponsors for the chance to win a $50 Gift Card! Your Choice! All you have to do is have a great conversations with our sponsors and you are automatically entered to win! Drawing winners live!

Dec 13, 2023
3:30pm - 4:35pm (Central)
Panel | Cybersecurity Leaders and Experts on Current Cyberthreats and Practices
Dec 13, 2023
4:30pm - 4:45pm (Central)
Closing Remarks