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How much of the interest in 3D is driven by perceived limitations of 2D lithography?

Is 3D merely the solution to 2D problems, or is 3D a new direction independent of 2D? Hypothetically, if EUV lithography somehow was ready today with cost per layer less than today's proven i193 lithography technology, would TSV for stacking still be needed?
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By Ed Korczynski on Jul. 09, 2009


3D solves a wiring problem. You can shrink as much as you want, even IF there is no  cost penalty, and 3D provides a performance inprovment 2D can't.
By Robert Patti, July 9, 2009 - 7:27pm


I agree with Bob. In addition, 3D can solve a looming power issue with high performance logic since you can get the same bandwidth with several low power, low performance I/Os instead of a single high power, high performance I/O.  

By Sitaram Arkalgud, July 13, 2009 - 9:49pm
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