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Where would standards be most useful?

Assuming that standards would be necessary at some level, where are they needed most? Bob - your company has already been involved in estabishing standards, so maybe you'd like to address this?
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By Françoise vo... on Jul 06, 2009
Forum: 3D IC Standards - # of views: 1945


The first standards will need to address memory. Memory integration seems to solve immediate critical needs. The IMIS spec was the first stab we and a few other companies made at this. Memory needs to be more tightly integrated and 3D gives us a means to do this. But developers, or at least their management, want 2nd sources and choices. The only way to unifiy this is by standards. Make no mistake, 3D device standards are going to be far more difficult to create. They need to encompass numerous I/Os, perhaps tens of thousands, yield and repair, heat, physcial size, shape and materials. A full 3D standard will dwarf a JEDEC memory standards document and that is not small to begin with.
By Robert Patti, July 7, 2009 - 2:12pm


Regarding #1

I know Tezzaron and Ziptronix have established the 3D IC Alliance to promote the establishment of such standards. I believe the IMIS spec was an outcome of this. Beyond that, how is this effort progressing?
By Françoise vo..., July 8, 2009 - 1:55am
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